Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is the best way to get rid ofunwanted weeds in my flower garden?

Safest is to pull by hand. If you use a chemical like Round-up or Weed-B-Gon, do not hit any flowers you want to keep.

What is the best way to get rid ofunwanted weeds in my flower garden?
you will have to pull them out by hand,before they flower is best,then use multch, this will not only help keep the weeds down,but helps the plants keep cooler during the hoter part of the day and warmer at night,it allso reduces the amount of watering required,and thus reduces the neturent loss,so your flowers will do much better,happy gardening
Reply:Get rid of them using any of the great advise given previously (I prefer spot treatments with Round Up because its easy and permanent and has no action in the soil).

To KEEP the weeds out, mulch your beds with a minimum of 3" of pine bark mulch (not nuggets) or other loose natural mulch product. The mulch will prevent the weed seeds fro germinating and will add acid to the soil (important when gardens are watered with city water with a high pH).

Also keep in mind that a brand new 3" layer of pine bark will be a 1" layer after it settles (about 1 month).

Good Luck!~
Reply:Hands and knees, long pants and long sleeve shirt and gloves and start pulling. Thanks to global warming Poison Ivy (a weed) is more abundant and more poisonous (it thrives on the extra CO2) so be careful. I'm had it 6 times in the passed 3 months from working in my garden
Reply:pull them - do not use any products - getting down on your hands and knees and pulling the weeds allows you to also loosen the dirt around each plant allowing them to get water better - PLUS getting in touch with the earth is what gardening is all literally "grounds" you
Reply:Weeding can be done with a sharp knief or hand tool to remove weeds which are not desired.
Reply:or if you dont want to get on your hands and knees and pull them...but also want to avoid using chemicals... try a weed fabric....Dupont-Preen is a brand of it....its basically a blanket your throw on the ground ...then cover with mulch... doesnt let anything grow where ever you place it... plus it will allow water to soak through and will help the ground retain water as well.

if you do like chemicals... Round up... dont waste your money with anything else. just like that guy said tho... do not hit any of your plants... it will kill them.
Reply:The second answer is correct, but then follow up with a pre emergent herbicide, to keep them from returning.

Lowes, or your local Co-op sells a product called Preen. Actually, the active ingredient in it is called trifluralin, so any product containing it will stop the germination of new weed seeds.

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