Monday, February 13, 2012

What should I plant this spring in my outdoor garden?

I'm in the 5A-6B plant hardiness zone of Canada. I have a garden on a slight incline about twelve feet wide and five feet deep. It is currently quite rocky, it appears gravel was added underneath canvass for drainage (I assume) and then dirt dumped over it. Should I dig all of this out and start over? There are some perennials, (rose bushes - very ugly) that I'd like to pull out, and hostas I planted last year. What type of shrubs, perennials and flowers would do well in this area? I am looking for easy care type stuff, but I like pretty flowers. I also prefer wild flowers or those that look wild. I do not like the rose bushes, they are very difficult to make look pretty and are quite thorny making access to the rest of the garden difficult as they are so overgrown. Any tips for the small hill garden would be appreciated as well.

What should I plant this spring in my outdoor garden?
You could make the area into a rock garden. Suggestions for plants: cranesbill, stonecress, bellflower, gentian, lantana, salvia, sedum, diasca, scilla, onamental onion, crocus, allium, fleabane, phlox, violas, and herbs. Incorporate a few large rocks or use smaller ones as an edging. Removing the roses sounds like a good idea if you don't like them. Plant something that will make you smile every time you see it. Good luck.
Reply:wow this is a big question.ill answer it with a few questions. where do you live ,what do you like to eat ,what is your soil ph.,do you have a compost pile,ben,will you use mulch ,what type of watering system will you use the web or talk to an old timer to get good ideas and suggestions. good luck and happy eating !!
Reply:Lantana is what you need. Get all colors. It loves dry hot weather and would do well among your rocks.

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