Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do I keep squirrels from digging in my flower garden?

I have heard of a couple ways. (One that is very effective for me...)

I spray a mixture of Cayenne pepper and soapy water on the ground and this seems quite effective... It only took 1 time for me to see results.

To make:

Mix 2 Table spoons of the pepper powder, and 1 Table spoon of dishsoap. Mix well and spray onto the ground. (No worries... 1- It will not hurt them, 2- It will not effect your plants either. They seem to get the idea quick.

The other option I have heard of (I've heard both good results %26amp; no results for this one)

Plant marigolds along the edges %26amp; from what I have heard this can be enough to keep them out all together...

Good Luck... I remember what a pain it was for me... :)

How do I keep squirrels from digging in my flower garden?
shoot them with a .22 or an air gun
Reply:They're storing food for winter, leave 'em alone.

Geeezze, is winter coming early this year?
Reply:I had that problem and thought it was squirels and it turned out to be cats, after trying cayenne, worm poop, shaking my fists at them, etc. what I tried was used coffee grounds. Just lay a layer of moist grounds down, I think animals dislike walking on the grounds, it's worked for me.
Reply:shoot them with anything you can get your hands on
Reply:You can't. I've tried everything from items for sale to old wives tales and they do whatever they want. Cant keep them out of bird feeders, flowers,either call them bad names, laugh at them or I've wondered about some kind of small dog that hates squirrels., but the dog would do more damage than the squirrels.I guess we're stuck with the critters.
Reply:Lay chicken wire on ground in front of each direction that could be an access. If flower bed not too grown, cut the wire to fit inside the garden. Squirrels, cats and dogs do not like walking on the wire plus it is difficult to dig only in the holes. For an infestation of these pesky critters, you may wish to plant your garden so the flowers grown through the wire holes. Marigolds had been a good determent for rabbits near my lettuce but it never swayed squirrels or dogs (for me).

You may consider putting layer of rocks around the flowers to make it more difficult for them.

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