Monday, January 30, 2012

What can i do to keep slugs out of my flower garden? Is mulch a factor?

There are slug baits on the market that can be sprinkled around. You can also place half filled jars of beer around. They will climb in and get drunk and fall in and drown. Sprinkle rock salt around the edges of your garden. Not too close to plants, though.

What can i do to keep slugs out of my flower garden? Is mulch a factor?
Your can purchase poisonous pellets and they could poison other things as well. You can sprinkle salt and kill the grass and the flowers. Or buy a 6 pack of beer and what you don't put out for the slugs you can drink.


place shallow trays of cheap beer around the plant. The beer will attract the slugs. They will crawl in the trays and drown
Reply:Salt is NOT a good idea. Beer works, place it away from your plants to draw the slugs to it. They die a slow and agonizing beer drunk drowning. But it does work.

Copper wire works, even thinner than the 1/4 inch mentioned. Aluminum is also effective, though less attractive, lay down rings of crumpled foil around the base of your plants.

Diatomacious earth sprinkled around plants works. The diatoms are razer sharp to soft sluggy bodies.

Egg shells - well crushed - and sand are detterants.

good luck
Reply:Hi, i recommand you a good and basic tutorial for home and garden. it covers all Issues related to your home, garden and everything around it.

wish it will help you.

Good Luck , Best Wishes!
Reply:Keep mulch away from the stems/bases of plants. Mulch gices the little buggers a nice place to hide. Take it easy on the salt as it also changes the PH of the soil. Put some beer in a shallow dish or coaster and leave it out. The slugs will jump in and die but your soil won't get salted to death.
Reply:1/4 inch copper tubing around each plant or surround the whole flower bed with it.Copper has a chemical reaction with slugs and melts them.
Reply:There are only two kinds of slug bait that are safe to use--for you, your plants, your kids and your pets. PLEASE DO NOT buy regular slug bait because it is deadly to animals and humans--it causes severe neurological damage.

The safe kind of slug bait contains Iron Phosphate, so be sure to read the label carefully and make sure that's what you're getting. It can be used safely around children and pets and you'll have no worries about killing wildlife--other than slugs, of course. It is a little slower acting at first than regular slug bait, but research shows that within 3 weeks of regular use, there is no difference in the effectiveness of either. Two brands I've seen are EscarGo and Worry-Free Slug Bait. Keep putting out bait all season, maybe once a week--just a sprinkling--around slug-prone plants and you'll have no slugs.

The other safe bait is beer. Slugs will head to a little beer in a bottle like freshman to a frat party. If you tilt the bottle on its side and bury most of it, leaving the open end at ground level, they'll crawl in, party and die. Dump out the bottle and add a little more beer every few days. (Only trouble is, racoons love the beer, dead slugs included, and they always come around drinking mine.)

Finally, think about planting a garden that slugs don't like at all!! That means you'll have to give up marigolds and dahlias, for instance, but by trial and error, you'll find lots of plants they hate. They'll head over to the neighbor's yard pretty quickly!
Reply:Don't put out beer despite what all these people say the beer may kill the slugs, but it has a draw back effect it also attracts new slugs every day.Do this instead.

Creating an Inhospitable Environment

Think sun. Slugs avoid any place sunny.

Encourage toads and snakes in your garden.

Keep the surfaces surrounding your plants rough and dry.

Clean up any plant residue or other places slugs might hide during the day.

Avoid using plants that slugs love such as spinach or lettuce.

put down a what they call a snake board in the back part of your gardnen it will attract a few harmless garden snakes and keep the slugs out of your garden.
Reply:Buy yourself a snail bate that doesn't kill dogs and cats or just place some beer in a bottle laying on its side and the slugs and snails will drink themselves to death. I am not pulling your leg either.
Reply:Spread some salt aruound your plants but if you dont want to hurt theme you could put a sign (''STAY AWAY FROM THE GARDEN!)

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