Friday, January 27, 2012

Do the flowers of a clemis montania fall off all over your garden, making a mess? Thank's :-)?

Yes, mine is flowering and heavy recent winds that we had here have scattered some dead and live Clematis montana flowers and leaves around my garden. It flowers with abundance, which means tons of debris during and after flowering, but it's such a great plant, that it's worth it! As it's normal for this to happen, consider getting it to grow through a tree where there is some dead part etc, and it could make less mess for you - they are easily trained to the areas that you want them

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob

Do the flowers of a clemis montania fall off all over your garden, making a mess? Thank's :-)?
Anemone Clematis, even if you manage an old vine of 20 foot or so would not make too much mess from flowers. One could only hope though. Like the Kwanzan Cherry blossems that fall like purple snow, I find it is great! Clematis won't flower like that though as they are simple delicate things with no substance.
Reply:have a large Clematis Montana Rubens growing all over a shed. The beauty of it in full flower makes up for any mess from fallen flowers. The flowers make good natual mulch and rot quickly to improve the soil and feed the worms.

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