Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I keep birds out of my flower garden??

Get one of those plastic owls. The birds won't be anywhere near it. I'm not sure where you can order them though.

How can I keep birds out of my flower garden??
My cat doesn't let the birds near my garden. They destroy my neighbor's garden instead. They have learned to not even sit on our fence or she will pop them. If you get a cat just be careful when you step out your door though. She will bring the ones she catches on the doorstep for a present to you.
Reply:make a scarecrow right in the center of your garden
Reply:What I did to get rid of birds for my vegetable garden, I put an fake owl, that I got at the store for about $15. If you put by your garden, the birds will stay away from the owl and your garden.
Reply:i've tried scarecrows and those plastic owls. they will work for a very brief period of time but birds are smarter than people think....they soon figured out these two stationery items were nothing to fear and now use them to sit on and survey the garden at their leisure!

i have found the best way is to have something that moves and shimmers in the light. you can purchase metallic ribbon for this purpose at lee valley garden supply.

lalita's idea is a good one as long as it moves the birds will avoid it! so the pinwheels would work well.

i use the little foil tins that butter tarts come in. punch a hole in them, put a string thru it, i then run the string from garden stake to garden stake. the slightest breeze gets the tins moving, they sparkle in the sun and it works for me!

good luck with it! but remember, birds will take eat of some the little not so nice crawlies in your yard - so you have to weigh your choice carefully!
Reply:destroy your garden :)

Seriously, nothing can be done with it. No scarecrow (or whatever it is called) may help. I have tried everything, just everything, any advice I've got by now. And nothing helps.

So, if you don't like the birds destroy your garden! (or cover it.)
Reply:I had the same problem.

Try using big, colorful pinwheels. They seem to work as a scarecrow.
Reply:The best way I found is to tie some to string some CD′S together, and hang them along your flower bed, This reflection of the sun on the CD′S scares the bird′s away. try for yourself it works
Reply:build a scarecrow.
Reply:there are some battery powered audio devices that can scare off birds as well as the old fashioned scarecrow.

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